Switchable privacy glass
PRIVA-LITE is a smart glass that at the flick of a switch, instantly changes from transparent to translucent.
PRIVA-LITE is a laminated glass made with a liquid crystal film (LC) assembled between two or more plastic interlayers. The laminated glass integrates a white liquid crystal foil, which becomes transparent when applied with an electric current. It allows instant creation of a confidential area, while preserving the neighboring room’s light transmission.
How does privacy glass work?
The properties of the glass are changed when an electrical current is applied transforming it from opaque to transparent almost instantly. Turning off the electric current causes the glass to return to its former opaque state. This smart glass can be controlled by a variety of applications, including remote controls, light sensors and wall switches, depending on your individual needs.
PRIVA-LITE products
PRIVA-LITE is exceptional switchable glass which provides you with new interior design opportunities.
We offer two types of PRIVA-LITE glass, which can be adaptedin all types of projects: CLASSIC and XL. Although they are based on the same technology, CLASSIC and XL have different properties. They cannot be installed together.
PRIVA-LITE CLASSIC can be used wherever you want to maintain brighter spaces making use of the opaque state of the glass panel. The type PRIVA-LITE XL can be used as a perfect surface for rear projection with the use of a multimedia projector.
An appropriate dose of emotions is just indispensable to life. Do you need more? Go for colour and simultaneous switchable transparency of your glass partition.
Choose one of 12 colours of PRIVA-LITE COLOR so as to create a warm and dynamic interior design.
Electronically controlled glass, so if you need a bit of privacy,
with just one click you will have an opaque partition. If you want to see more, you click again, and there you go! A coloured transparent panel adds charm to your every-day life, but it does not limit your field of view.
Exceptional switchable PRIVA-LITE glass will be a perfect choice also as an element of glass units.
Whenever there is a need to use specialist glass (fire-resistant glass or x-ray shielding glass), you can take advantage of the PRIVATE-LITE glazing solution, which allows for the combination of various properties of state-of-the-art glazings within a single panel.
Freedom above all. The PRIVA-LITE SLIDING DOORS system is a solution that enables you to open your space not only in visual terms.
With a single click you can change the window setting from non-transparent to transparent
and see more. With another move you can slide the door, not only to see better but also feel more. Enjoy the unlimited freedom!
Key features
- Dynamic management of the privacy;
- Instant and silent change of states between ON and OFF positions;
- High light transmission;
- Protection against harmful UV radiation;
- Lots of possibilities to enlarge room space, for a unique nature;
- Easy and safe installation;
- EPD Certificate;
- Best quality on the market for back projection application;
- Low power consumption (only 0 to 7 W/m²) and good sound insulation;
- Unparalleled level of translucency and transparency in the „on“ state [7,5 %]

Wall partitions and privacy windows - HOTELS & RESTAURANTS
Privacy partition between bedroom and bathroom
Restaurant privacy partition
Toilet doors - RESIDENTIAL
Kitchen/living room partition - MEDICAL
Privacy on demand while keeping comfort for patients
Easy low-maintenance cleaning to prevent spread of bacteria - SHOPS, MUSEUMS, EXHIBITIONS
Switchable glass technologies can be used to highlight key elements